Friday, January 3, 2014

Beef Eye of Round Sous Vide

The meat traditionally used in a baked roast beef has wonderful qualities when cooked sous vide.  Wonderful "steak-like" qualities.

Last night I cooked an Eye of Round sous vide at 131 deg F for 6.5 hours.  Added in the bag was some olive oil, salt, pepper, a splash of white marsala, and a splash of left-over Cabernet.  I removed it and seared with Sumrall's new propane blow torch.

I had a slight problem with air trapped in the vacuum bag.  I'm not sure if that was just a poor vacuum job on my part, or if the meat had water trapped inside.

Results were certainly adequate, but not as impressive as the last-time I made the dish.  I believe I might have had too much salt, or cooked for too long, as it was tender, but slightly drier than I was hoping. 

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