Thursday, June 6, 2013

We Need a Standard Database Front-End Platform

How many companies out there offer a product that is simply a fancy front-end to a database?  There's a ton!

How many enterprise solutions that get sold boil down to a flavored front-end to a database?  They have forms, lists, validation, linkage...all basic database stuff.  But this database front-end is for expenses!  It's completely different from that database front-end to manage customers!  Or the one for IT data!  Or the one I use on the weekends to view the homes for sale in my city!

How much duplicity of effort exists between these disparate tools simply to provide a user-friendly way to manage data?  How many startups waste their first several development cycles simply developing a system, flavored to their target market.

There are many...too many.

The reason being is that SQL has failed us.  To clarify the blame, it's failed us in the prospect that it's an easy way to get data in and out of databases.  SQL is not.  It has not kept up with times, with user expectations, or with the way we work and it's left this void that countless companies attempt to fill with their products.  These products get bought up no matter what they cost since they are the only available option to real people who need to do real work with data.

Where is the standard, visual, open source platform for managing data?  I am not talking about phpMyAdmin; that's a visual, open source tool to manage a database.  What can I use to manage the data, to build processes around it, and to structure reports?

Just think if there was a standard platform available, just how much faster to value any data-centric tool could be?  Instead of each development team spending 3 years creating the same middleware piece, they could immediately just build specifically what the users needed.  It could be pretty, it would be easy to use and it could provide immediate value.  We would be so much further ahead of ourselves.

Anyone have the jump start on such a project?  I'm interested.

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