Friday, May 3, 2013

How to Install MediaWiki Extensions

MediaWiki provides the ability to download plugin various extensions to augment the platform.  You need access to the server your wiki resides on in order to add these.

1. Visit This is an automated picker to find extensions.  You must select the version of MediaWiki you are using.

2. Now you download the extension.  I logon to my remote Linux box and from my extensions directory type:
wget ""

tar -xvf REL1_20
rm REL1_20
mv mediawikiblah.../ ExtensionName/

3.  You have to add an include in the LocalSettings.php file of your wiki install.  This is the main configuration file for MediaWiki.  For me, it resides in the /htacces directory.

I've found that often there is no need to even restart the server, the extensions just work.

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